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Q: Is it hard to learn a new sport after high school?
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What was Harry Beckham's sport in high school?

Harry sport in high school was swimming.

Importence of high school sport?

It will prepare you for advanced stages of that sport if you pursue it after high school.

Is high school hockey considered a sport or a club?

High school hockey is a sport, not a club.

How do poorer people get into sport?

Well I dont have a perfect answer for you but just work really hard at the sport or sports you like and try to make your high school team.

What is the 1 high school sport in the country?

West Monroe High School

How hard is the high school diploma test?

It is not hard to get your high school diploma. You just have to finish high school.

What are some different ways to finish high school?

You can finish high school by earning your diploma through traditional schooling, attending an alternative high school program, enrolling in a GED program, or completing online high school courses. Each option offers different paths to achieving your goal of finishing high school.

How do you learn high school geography?

Go to High School.

What sport should an 11 year do if she will do that sport in high school?


What is Byrchall High School's motto?

Byrchall High School's motto is 'Live to learn, Learn to live'.

What is Thomaston High School's motto?

Thomaston High School's motto is 'Live to learn, learn to live'.

Is wrestling a hard sport to take up as a sophomore in High School?

No. One of my friends took wrestling since he was a freshman, and he never complains.