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26.218 miles divided by 4 is 6.55 miles or 10.48 kilometers.

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Q: How long is a quarter marathon?
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Is a 10k the same as a quarter marathon?

Not quite, a quarter marathon would be 10.48 kilometers.

Why is the Boston Marathon 26.2 miles long?

It's 26.2 miles long because that's how long a marathon is that's why it's called the Boston Marathon.

What is the reason why the marathon is 42 km long?

a marathon is how far?

How long is the London marathon race in klometers?

The London marathon race is 42.195 kilometers long

Where can one find out how long a marathon is?

Wikipedia is a very valid source for finding out how long a marathon is. Specifically, a marathon is a long-distance run based around the 25 mile mark.

Exactly how long is a marathon road race?

A marathon is 26.202 miles.

Is there a half marathon?

Yes, there is a half marathon. A half marathon is about 13.1 miles long, half the distance of a full marathon, 26.2 miles. 

How many miles is a hAlf marathon'?

A half-marathon is 13.1 miles long.

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How long is the womens marathon in running?

The Women's marathon lasted aleast 42 kilometres The Women's marathon lasted atleast 42 kilometres