During the Battle of Marathon in Athens Greece, an Athenian messenger boy called Pheidippides ran 26 miles to announce to the rest of Athens the victory they achieved. The Athenians defeated a larger Persian force at the location of Marathon. At the end of the messenger Pheidippides run he dropped dead from exhaustion.
Today these long runs called "Marathons" held at places like New York include a distance of 26 miles.
It began in Marathon, Greece, back in ancient days. The legend focuses the fabled run of the Greek soldier Pheidippides, a messenger from the Battle of Marathon (the namesake of the race) to Athens. He ran the distance between Marathon and Athens, dying upon arrival after exclaiming the Greeks had won the battle (circa 490 bce). When the ancient Greeks created the Olympic games, a reenactment of the race was included as a commemoration.
if you are refering to the music city marathon, it is 26.2 miles, the same as any other marathon. the marathon was yesterday and it was mostly fantastic, despite unseasonably hot weather conditions. if you are refering to the music city marathon, it is 26.2 miles, the same as any other marathon. the marathon was yesterday and it was mostly fantastic, despite unseasonably hot weather conditions.
Because he was trying to give hope to people with cancer that he may raise enough money to find a cure.
A run that is longer than the traditional 26.2-mile marathon distance. Common distance "Ultra" Marathons are 50K, 50-mile, 100K, 100-miles, 12-hours, 24-hours, etc.
26.218 miles divided by 4 is 6.55 miles or 10.48 kilometers.
It was a one-day battle, fought on September 12, 490 BC.
no, because sedentary meaning sitting, staying, no movement and the boston marathon is a 26 mile run... if u participate in the boston marathon u should be running not sitting with no movement.
A full marathon is the 26.2 miles that you run for example the London marathon is a full marathon
Marnie Caron has written: 'Marathon and half marathon' -- subject(s): Training, Marathon running 'Marathon and half marathon' -- subject(s): Marathon running, Training
There are 26.2 miles in a full marathon, thus there are 13.1 miles in a half marathon. No odd calculations... a half marathon is a half marathon.
Yes, the International Marathon of Bucharest. See the link: http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maratonul_interna%C5%A3ional_Bucure%C5%9Fti
The address of the Marathon Branch is: 515 Washington Street, Marathon, 54448 0245
No word for it. A Swahili speaker would simply say "marathon.": Nimeshindania marathon, I competed in a marathon.
what marathon
The address of the Marathon Public Library is: 306 W Attica, Marathon, 50565 0022
The top ten Marathons of the world are listed here: 1. London Marathon, April 2. Berlin Marathon, September 3. New York City Marathon, November 4. Chicago Marathon, October 5. Boston Marathon, April 6. Stockholm Marathon, June 7. Rotterdam Marathon, April 8. Paris Marathon, April 9. Honolulu Marathon, December 10. Amsterdam Marathon, October Hope it helped!
Yes there is a marathon in the Sahara Desert called The Sahara Marathon
The address of the Marathon Museum Society is: Po Box 65, Marathon, TX 79842