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Q: How long is a kids marathon?
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What is the motto of Penn State Dance Marathon?

Penn State Dance Marathon's motto is 'For The Kids'.

Why is the Boston Marathon 26.2 miles long?

It's 26.2 miles long because that's how long a marathon is that's why it's called the Boston Marathon.

What is the reason why the marathon is 42 km long?

a marathon is how far?

How long is the London marathon race in klometers?

The London marathon race is 42.195 kilometers long

Where can one find out how long a marathon is?

Wikipedia is a very valid source for finding out how long a marathon is. Specifically, a marathon is a long-distance run based around the 25 mile mark.

Exactly how long is a marathon road race?

A marathon is 26.202 miles.

Is there a half marathon?

Yes, there is a half marathon. A half marathon is about 13.1 miles long, half the distance of a full marathon, 26.2 miles. 

How many meters long is the marathon course?

The marathon course is 42.195 kilometers long, which is equivalent to 26.2 miles.

How many miles is a hAlf marathon'?

A half-marathon is 13.1 miles long.

How long is the potteries marathon?


How long is the men marathon?


How long is the womens marathon in running?

The Women's marathon lasted aleast 42 kilometres The Women's marathon lasted atleast 42 kilometres