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Because it is good excercise and healthy for your body.

And also I skate myself and I am totally in love with it! It's really fun because you can go with your friends and family and just have a great time!

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14y ago
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11y ago

It's never too late to start figure skating. It's so much fun. Every time you land a new jump, you get a feeling of pure fulfilment and you get to show-off to your friends.

Every time you spin, it feels like you're flying. Figure skating is like a video game, every time you beat a level, it gets more interesting and fun.

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14y ago

There is a lot of physics involved that can be beautiful to watch. It is an art and a science.

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14y ago

give me 5 reasons it isnt. your balencing on a cm. thin blade on slippery frozen water while jumping up and spinning around 3 times and still landing on that thin blade

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13y ago

Some people figure skate because they enjoy it and some people both enjoy figure skating and it helps lose various amounts of weight.

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Who are the famous people that figure skate?

The Z-boys

What do you do when you want to learn figure skating?

If you want to learn how to skate, you should sign up for some lessons at your local rink. Many rinks have learn to skate, or skate school programs for people to sign up.

Can you figure skate on frozen jello?

No, you can't figure skate on frozen jello.

Did boys or girls just figure skate?

Both boys and girls can figure skate

Can you be chubby to figure skate?

You can be any size to skate.

Difference of speed skates and figure skates?

The recreational skate is not designed for the speeds that the figure skate is. It is a "crossover" between the figure skate and the hockey skate. It is not designed to be as precise in turnings and stops as the figure skate. However, if you do not wish to invest in figure skates for the novice (just in case it's another whim) recreational skates are a good option. The novice learns to skate and has fun without the expense of the professional skate.

Does Stacy London figure skate?


Should Skaters be allowed to skate wherever they want?

Yes skateboarder should be able to skate wherever they want people can sit , hangout,and walk where they want why cant we go skate

When did Sasha Cohen start to skate and what influenced her to ice skate?

she was influenced by figure skating

What is the weight of a figure skate blade and a hockey skate blade?

depends on the skate and the size but the average is about 1lb .1 oz

Why or how does a figure skate spin?

A figure skate can spin because there are two "edges" on your blade. an inside edge and an outside edge. that is what helps you spin : )