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The recreational skate is not designed for the speeds that the figure skate is. It is a "crossover" between the figure skate and the hockey skate. It is not designed to be as precise in turnings and stops as the figure skate. However, if you do not wish to invest in figure skates for the novice (just in case it's another whim) recreational skates are a good option. The novice learns to skate and has fun without the expense of the professional skate.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

figure skates are short, and have a "pick" at the front to help the skate to spins in the air. Speed Skates are more sleek, longer, and focoused on forward momentum insted of areal tricks.

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Q: Difference of speed skates and figure skates?
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Related questions

Are speed skates hockey skates or figure skates the longest?

Speed Skates have the longest blade.

What are the differences between speed skates and figure skates?

The speed skates have longer blades

Who do speed skaters and figure-skaters wear different kinds of skates?

They're used for different purposes-- figure skates for jumps and spins and speed skates for speed.

Why do figure skates have a toe pick and not hockey skates?

That's because hockey skates are mainly for speed, and toe picks slow you down, and figure skates have toe picks which gives you more control.

Why do you need figure skates for figure skating?

yes you can get figure skates but you can also figure skate in normal skates aswell xx

Why do you have ice skates?

I have ice skates.. because I am a figure skater.. Unless you play ice hockey, figure skate or speed skate there is not really another reason you would own some!

What is faster speed skates or hockey skates?


What Sports equipment starts with i?

Ice skates are sports equipment. They are used in hockey, figure skating and speed skating.

What is the difference between hockey skates and figure skates?

Figure skate blades are thicker, and the balance point is at the back, with more blade extending past the heel compared to hockey skates. They also have toe picks, to help with jumps and other maneuvers for figure skating. Figure skates are also "rockered" differently, meaning the blade curves differently, so turning is different in figure skates compared to hockey skates, as the balance is different. Figure skate blades are thicker, too, so they can be faster, as you have more blade contact to push off of. Hockey skates have no toe picks, as with toe picks, if you accidentally drag your foot or put it too far forward on the ice, you can fall. Also, hockey skates are balanced more neutrally, in the middle of the skate, which helps with recovering balance during the fast maneuvering and contact in the game. Hockey skates have thinner blades, so compared to figure skates, you're going to apply less power to the ice, but they glide a little bit easier than figure skates. Also, compared to figure skates, hockey skates have much tougher construction, as they have to be able to take pucks/sticks, etc.

What are the connections with figure skating and speed skating?

the similarities between speed skating and figure skating is that 1- they have to do forward crossovers when turning 2- they use ice skates 3- they have to know the basics of ice skating 4- they are capable of going to the olympics

Can you skate faster on hockey skates or speed skates?

Speed skates are designed to fast. The skates are designed with alot of aerdynamics , but must be comfortable to. The answer is speed skates because they have longer blades making turning sharp harder but holding a fast speed easier and in more control.

Where do you buy figure skates in Slovenia?

There is a shop for Risport skates in Ljubljana