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Yes skateboarder should be able to skate wherever they want people can sit , hangout,and walk where they want why cant we go skate

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Q: Should Skaters be allowed to skate wherever they want?
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What is a skaters attitude?

I want to go skate.

What are the Norway speed skaters?

Norwegians that skate fast

Who is Tyson bowerbank?

He is one o the skaters for Darkstar that skate brand

What is the plural form of skate?

The plural form of the noun skater is skaters.The plural possessive form is skaters'.Example: The skaters' performances at the ice show were phenomenal.

Should you wear skate shoes even if you dont even skate?

Sure,Why not .Skate shoes are made to get messed up so really, they are a all purpose shoe but skaters might yell/ make fun of you if you dont skate Yes, you should wear skat shoes even if you don't skate. For instance- i don't skate but i wear emerica skateshoes for biking and everyday wear.

Should skate boards be allowed on side walks?


How many skaters are named Corey?

my name is Corey and i skate for osiris shoes

Where do figure skaters skate when there was no ice rink?

They skated on frozen rivers and lakes.

Does the word skaters have a long a?

Yes. The A is long as in "skate" or slate. The E is silent.

What has the author Steve Milton written?

Steve Milton has written: 'Skate Talk' 'Super skaters' -- subject(s): Biography, Juvenile literature, Skating, Skaters, Figure skating, Figure skaters

Where do ice skaters wait for their turn to skate in competitions?

In a dungeon surrounded by grizzly bears.

How do you make skate-park?

get a bunch of ramps ,put them together ,get skateboard ,skate down rampsnow you have a skate park in your backyard or wherever