The midfield; you do all the work and get none of the credit (the forwards score the goals and the backs/keeper make the epic saves; you just tackle, pass, and chase nonstop).
In my opinion the hardest sport to learn is ice hockey
this is the center position that takes the face-off
The history of floor hockey include that it originated in Canada. Floor hockey was invented by British soldiers in the mid 1900s.
The all time hardest hockey player is Wendel Clark of the Toronto Maple Leafs, hard as hell-- all heart
floor hockey is similar to ice hockey with same sized goals
Floor hockey is essentially the same as its ice and street counterparts In floor hockey there are two types of shots that most players use. A snap shot and backhand shot are popular on the floor.
Zdeno Chara currently has the hardest shot, recorded at 105.9 mph
Your Hands
ice hockey
you can play floor hockey, roller hockey, or field hockey
Floor hockey.
On 6th Floor