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It depends on how you do it. If you point the tips towards each other, it is called plowing, though when taught to beginning kids it is sometimes referred to as the 'Pizza stop'.

I'm not sure what it is called if you just slide sideways. I just call it stopping.

When you "slide" sideways it's called hockey stopping. It is actually much more effective at even slightly higher speeds. Snowplowing (same as plowing, just a different name) can really hurt your knees. I have a cousin who is just about to turn 14 but she has to wear knee braces skiing because she snowplows at high speed way too much.

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Q: What is the name for stopping on snow skis technique?
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People ride on snow with snowboards, skis, snowmobiles, and sleds.

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Approximately 3% of the US population snow skis regularly.

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That could be cross country skis.

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Skis and snowshoes spread a person's weight out so that they do not sink.

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Dave olcone

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snowboards are differnet from skis because skis have 2 skis and a snowboard only has one thing that you stand on.

What is parallel skiing?

Parallel skiing is an advanced technique in downhill skiing where the skis are held in two straight lines under the body. This technique is generally learned gradually as a modification of the beginner technique. The beginner's stance is called "the snow plow" or "the wedge", and the skis are held in a V shape with the tips of the skis almost but not quite touching. The wider apart the skis are at the back, the slower a person will go down the hill. In parallel skiing, speed is controlled by how much the skier goes across the hill versus down the hill - the trajectory of the skier relative to the slope controls speed.

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You can snow ski or water ski, but you are always ON the same thing- skis!

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Ski wax lets the skis glide over snow.

Can you use a candle to wax your skis?

i just waxed my skis with a candle that i melted with an iron onto the skis scraped and smoothened the surface..tested the skis on slopes.seems like my skis made a squeeking sound on the snow..but all in all it worked well

What are some ways to race across snow?

To race across snow, you can use sleds, sleighs, skis, or snow shoes.