On an actual bull, since the animal is so massive, it is extremely difficult to hit the bull in the eye with a gun. Henceforth, the smallest and hardest part on a dartboard to hit is the "bullseye."
The center of a dart board is called the bullseye. It is typically worth the most points and is surrounded by the inner bullseye and outer bullseye.
5' 8" at the center of the bullseye
Play Selectioner until you get the dart board background , and then use your darts and throw a dart at the red circle in the very center of the dart board.
The height of a regulation dartboard is 5'8" from the center of the bullseye to the floor, with a toe line at 7' 9.5" inches from the front of the board for steel tip darts.
the outer bull
5' 8" to the center of the bullseye
First you need to buy or build a dart board cabinet. When you hang the dart board cabinet you want to make sure that when you put the dart board inside the bullseye is 5' 8" high.
It's worth nothing. A dart does not count if it falls out of the board less than five seconds after your third dart is thrown (the five second rule).
What's the wire on a dart bored called
The bullseye can simple to get in the Insectonator: Zombie mode game. When in the game, choose the Bullseye and then throw the dart to hit the bullseye.
bull or cork
100 for center and 50 for outer