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When swmming, you DO use a flip turn only on freestyle and backstroke.

You do NOT use a flip turn while swimming breaststroke and butterfly.

You do NOT use a flipturn while doing a fly to back turn, or a breast to free turn.

Some people use a back to breast backwards flip on the wall, but you don't have to, some think it's faster, others don't. It all depends on your technique and how advanced you are as a swimmer.

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Q: Which stroke in swimming does not use a flip turn?
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In what sport do you use a flip-turn?


In what sport do you use a flip turn?

The stroke is called Freestyle.

What sport do you use a flip turn?

Swimming for all for strokes, Free, Breast, Back, and Fly. Just a different type of flip turn used in breast and fly.

How much energy do you use when swimming?

The energy expenditure during swimming varies depending on factors such as stroke technique, intensity, and body weight. On average, a person swimming moderately for 30 minutes can burn around 300-400 calories. The type of stroke and speed of swimming can also impact energy expenditure.

Has the butterfly swimming stroke any practical use outside of competitive swimming?

Other than being very good for exercise and fitness, no.

Can you flip up the monster that effected by the card to flip down in the same turn?

You can manually change the battle position of a monster once per turn, (but not on the turn it was set or summoned from hand) If you flip a monster face down with Book of Moon or use the effect of Sonic Bird, then you are allowed to flip summon them in the same turn.

Where can you find information on swimming?

Information on Swimming•Butterfly Stroke: it is the toughest and the most exhausting swimming stroke, encompassing windmill like arm movements and dolphin kick. While performing this stroke competitively, the swimmer should avoid underwater swimming. •Breast Stroke: this is one among the different swimming strokes that involves arm movements on the front side, from your head to shoulder level. It is the frog kick that can be associated with this stroke. The swimmer should keep his/her head above the water surface, while carrying out this swim stroke. •Crawl: flutter kick and alternating over arm movements are the features that characterize crawl-swimming stroke. While doing crawling, the swimmer has to keep his head in the water, alternating the face side. •Sidestroke: scissors kick is a distinguished feature that explains the movements of sidestroke. This underwater stroke involves the pushing of your body in the forward direction, keeping your body on one side. •Backstroke: this stroke involves alternate over the head arm movements and flutter kick. •Freestyle swimming: it gives you the liberty to use any swimming stroke you want to, while carrying out your swimming workout session. •Dog paddle: it is one of the simplest swimming strokes, making use of modified flutter kick. In dog paddling, your forward motion takes place with your arms underwater.Information on Swimming•Butterfly Stroke: it is the toughest and the most exhausting swimming stroke, encompassing windmill like arm movements and dolphin kick. While performing this stroke competitively, the swimmer should avoid underwater swimming. •Breast Stroke: this is one among the different swimming strokes that involves arm movements on the front side, from your head to shoulder level. It is the frog kick that can be associated with this stroke. The swimmer should keep his/her head above the water surface, while carrying out this swim stroke. •Crawl: flutter kick and alternating over arm movements are the features that characterize crawl-swimming stroke. While doing crawling, the swimmer has to keep his head in the water, alternating the face side. •Sidestroke: scissors kick is a distinguished feature that explains the movements of sidestroke. This underwater stroke involves the pushing of your body in the forward direction, keeping your body on one side. •Backstroke: this stroke involves alternate over the head arm movements and flutter kick. •Freestyle swimming: it gives you the liberty to use any swimming stroke you want to, while carrying out your swimming workout session. •Dog paddle: it is one of the simplest swimming strokes, making use of modified flutter kick. In dog paddling, your forward motion takes place with your arms underwater.

What kinds of sports make you more fitter?

I think swimming, you use just about every muscle. you would have to do more than one stroke, like Brest, free, butterfly and back stroke.

Which command do you use to turn a graphic such as an arrow from facing right to facing down?

flip vertical

What are the most important muscle groups you use when swimming?

triceps, deltoids, lats,trapsquads,hammys,abdominals,calfskinda depends on the stroke

When a monster's effect says you can flip it face down on either players turn could i flip it face up on mine and than down on theirs so i could use the effect over and over?

If it really does say it can be flipped face-down on the opponent's turn, then sure, that works. Most however say 'once per turn' and because they are Ignition Effects, it really means once per your turn. But regardless, you can Flip Summon it, attack, then turn it face down in your Main Phase 2. If it is still alive in your next turn, you can Flip Summon it again and turn it face down again. If it gets attacked but survives, then you can still reuse it, just the other way around. Use the effect to turn it face down, then Flip Summon it.

When you use 'The shallow grave' can you flip the monster you summoned with it in the same turn?

no, because the battle position cannot be changed.. you prpbably summond a monster which have a flip effect?? true??