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Q: In what sport do you use a flip-turn?
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Does doing a flipturn make you faster?

omg yes! if you are a competitive swimmer like me, and you want to drop time, do a flipturn! it will save you about a good second or two! hope i helped!

Is Drifting a Sport?

Drifting is not a sport. It is what people use in the sport called NASCAR.

How do you use the word a good sport in sentence?

you can use the word good sport in a sentence when you are saying that game was good today you were a very good sport. That is a very good sentence to use for good sport.

I am sport you how do usee?

you how am use sport ball like that

What is the muscle you use most in sport?

It really depends on the sport in its self

What sport do you use a barbell for?

A barbell is used in the sport of professional weightlifting.

What sport do you use your thigh in?

a lot of sport but most likey soccer

What sport do they use tag and release?

What sport do they use tag and release. Fishing.

What sport would you use steroids in?

Baseball, football, and any other sport.

What do you use a crosse for in sport?

A crosse is the formal name for a stick in the sport lacrosse.

What pepper do they use in sport peppers?

Sport pepper is the actual name of the pepper

When do you use the words sport and sports?

Sport is singular. Baseball is a sport. The sport of surfing. Be a good sport about it. Sports is plural I like to play sports. Sports are good exercise.