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Q: When did white water kayaking become and olympic sport?
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What is a water sport at the Olympics?

During the Summer Olympic games, several water sports include swimming, diving and water polo. There is also canoeing and kayaking in the Olympics.

What is Olympic rowing?

it is a water sport it is a water sport and you must have power and you must have power

Is water polo a olympic sport?


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What is River Kayaking?

river kayaking is, kayaking on a river, you generaly use a smaller boat for river kayaking but it depends what kind of river. eg if its white water (really rough) you would use a small manoverable boat that is easy to recover from a capsize at the usually occur when white water kayaking. for just rivers which arent rough, a slighty bigger boat is best. nd by the kayaking is sooooo fun. (so is sailing) am a water sport kinda person lol

Is there a sport starting with w not including water polo?

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What Olympic sport was originally known as water ballet?

Synchronized swimming

When was water polo played In The Olympic's?

Water Polo is a sport which has been contested in every Olympic Games since the 1900 Summer Olympic Games in Paris - and will be contested again in 2012.

When was water polo first played in first played in the Olympics?

Water Polo is a sport which has been contested in every Olympic Games since the 1900 Summer Olympic Games in Paris - and will be contested again in 2012.

What is a kayak?

A kayak is a self propelled water vehicle. It is similar to a canoe but is normally covered, although some open faced kayaks exist.

Is Water volleyball an olympic sport?

Water Skiing briefly made an appearance in the Olympics in 1972 but only as a demonstration sport. It is not a sport in 2012 as well ;_; In order for a sport to be recognized it not only has to be popular but meet IOC Standards.

Is water ballet a sport?

The actual term is Synchronized Swimming, and is definitely a sport. It is an Olympic sport as well. You need exceptional endurance, strength, and flexibility to participate.