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Most sport divers do not venture much below 100ft. Preparations for dives below this depth are more involved and bottom time is severely limited.

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PADI -> 60 Ft or 18.3 M

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Q: What is the maximum depth limit for an open water diver?
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What is the deepest someone can dive in a wetsuit?

There is no depth limit, so as deep as a diver can stay comfortably warm in that particular suit in the water temperature.

What is the maximum depth limit for Open Water Divers?

PADI -> 60 Ft or 18.3 M

What is the common depth for beginner scuba divers?

As a beginning diver, you will be certified in an open water course. Upon completion, the diver is cleared to go down 60 ft. It is advisable to get more training such as a deep diver certification if you wish to go farther. The recreational limit is 130 ft. with proper training. Personally, I like 30 ft. depth in the Caribbean waters.

How much pressure does a diver experience at 30 meters depth in salt water?

At 30 meters depth in salt water, a diver will experience a pressure of approximately 4 atmospheres or 4 times the pressure at the surface. This is because water exerts 1 atmosphere of pressure for every 10 meters of depth.

What depth fish can live?

the maximum depth fish can live is 400 meters under water

How deep can an advanced scuba diver go?

Most recreational divers rarely dive below 100 feet. The average depth for a dive is around 60 feet.AdditionThere is a difference between the average deepest depth of of dives in general and the average depth of a single dive. Most dives will have the deepest depth of around 60 feet, but the average depth of that dive will probably be more in the range of 30 feet since divers will start at one depth and usually continue the dive at shallower depths.

What is the maximum depth you can submerge in scuba?

the maximum depth that you can go in the water without a decompression stop is 130 feet. Below 210 feet it is dangerous to dive without mixed gases.AdditionThe maximum depth is not known since people are always trying to break the record. But you must be properly trained and have the necessary equipment. For normal recreational diving, the above answer is absolutely correct and the recommended limit is 130 feet for many good reasons.

What is the greatest depth a diver can dive without protective clothing on?

Depends on the environment. IE water temp, stinging creatures, etc.

How much time does a scuba diver spend under water?

It depends on how deep the diver goes, and what air blend the diver is breathing. There are dive tables that state how long a diver can stay at a certain depth before requiring decompression. The basic recreational diver typically breathes either air or Nitrox. There are separate dives tables for air and Nitrox.

Deepest water in Scotland?

Loch Morar with a maximum depth of 310 m. Loch Ness is second with a maximum depth of 132 m.

Two divers are diving in clear ocean water at a depth of 175 m One diver shows a white marker board to the other with writing on it What color will the marker board appear to be?

Two divers are diving in clear ocean water at a depth of 175 m One diver shows a white marker board to the other with writing on it. Thee marker board appear to be blue.

What is a person who goes into water headfirst is called?

A person who goes into water headfirst is called a diver.