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As a beginning diver, you will be certified in an open water course. Upon completion, the diver is cleared to go down 60 ft. It is advisable to get more training such as a deep diver certification if you wish to go farther. The recreational limit is 130 ft. with proper training. Personally, I like 30 ft. depth in the Caribbean waters.

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Q: What is the common depth for beginner scuba divers?
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What Is the common depths for experienced scuba divers?

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What do scuba divers use to tell how far down they are?

scuba divers use pressure meter because the deeper down you go the more pressure builds upAdditiona depth gauge or a dive computer

What is the collective noun of scuba divers?

The collective noun is a bubble of scuba divers.

How do scuba divers find out how long they can stay at a certain depth?

we use a chart for that. which helps us calculate how long we can stay in a certain depth. dive planning

Who uses a scuba-suit?

Many people use a SCUBA suit for diving. Sport divers, police divers and some Navy recovery divers.

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What is the purpose of a depth gauge?

The purpose of a depth gauge is to measure the depth of water. It is used by scuba divers to make sure they don't go too deep because the deeper they go the more pressure the water is.

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Free divers do but scuba divers do not need to. Scuba divers take their air with them and would have no need to hyperventilate.

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What is the name of building under water explored by divers?

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Where are most scuba divers located?

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