so you can go as fast a possible, in races each second counts and you dont want to loose time tounching the wall them pushing off agin. basically its to be fast
A tumble turn, also known as a flip turn, is basically a half somersault underwater. The swimmer swims to the wall (how close is their own preference, but shorter people tend to get closer), begins their somersault in front of the wall, and when their feet hit the wall, they push off on their side as hard as they can. then after a few dolphin kicks they resurface and keep swimming.
Injuries to the head, hands, wrists and arms...Sometimes legs if attempting a backstroke tumble-turn or even a backstroke to breastroke turn. It was only today i injured my finger doing one of these turns; but these are the main fears of swimming backstroke in a swimming pool...
to tumble, jump, turn, and flip on
The clothing you would wear while swimming is the definition of swimming out.
Yes, it is. As in, "He tumbled down the hill."
To roll over, or to and fro; to throw one's self about; as, a person on pain tumbles and tosses., To roll down; to fall suddenly and violently; to be precipitated; as, to tumble from a scaffold., To play tricks by various movements and contortions of the body; to perform the feats of an acrobat., To turn over; to turn or throw about, as for examination or search; to roll or move in a rough, coarse, or unceremonious manner; to throw down or headlong; to precipitate; -- sometimes with over, about, etc.; as, to tumble books or papers., To disturb; to rumple; as, to tumble a bed., Act of tumbling, or rolling over; a fall.
a somersault is a tumble turn performed on the floor. You roll head first and finish in a sitting or standing position
Let's take a tumble! I was ffightened when the pigeon began to tumble.
swimming champion
Overall, Swimmers have specific fitness components that they will need tosucceed.These components are;Cardiovascular endurance, depending on the distance that you swim and how long you swim for at one time.Speed, depending whether you are swimming for fun, or if your swimming competitively.Body composition, swimmers are generally slim and tender when swimming competitively, however it doesn't matter what size you even if you are swimming for fun.Agility is needed especially when swimming competitively when you do tumble turns.these are the most specific components for swimming ")