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Injuries to the head, hands, wrists and arms...Sometimes legs if attempting a backstroke tumble-turn or even a backstroke to breastroke turn. It was only today i injured my finger doing one of these turns; but these are the main fears of swimming backstroke in a swimming pool...

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Q: What is the fear of bumping into the wall when swimming backstroke in swimming pool?
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Related questions

When did backstroke flags appear in swimming?

Backstroke flags,typically displaying a schools emblem or mascot, are hung over a swimming pool during a swim meet in support of the "home" team. They are called backstroke flags because when the swimmmers are performing the backstroke the flags are visible and can possibly intimidatge the opposing team.

What is the summary of swimming?

swimming is basically moving around in the water to get from one side of the pool to the other. there are 4 strokes: breaststroke, backstroke, freestyle, and butterfly.

How do you know if a swimmer is close to the end if he is swimming backstroke?

if there is a backstroke flag ( a flag hung above the surface of the water, near the pool end), then he/she would know if he/she is close to the end of the pool. if you swam past the backstroke flag, then of course, that would mean that you are close to the end of the pool. ^_^ Most swimmers don't just guess when the end of the pool is getting close. They count how many strokes it will take them to get to the wall. When they still have more lengths left, they subtract one stroke from their number and turn on their stomach and flip over.

What can you do in a regular pool that you can't do in a baby pool?

swim laps, dive, backstroke

What are facts about swimming?

You will get wet.-there are four main strokes. -butterfly -backstroke -freestyle -Breastroke -The pool can either be 25yards or 50yards -The flags on each side are for backstroke so you can tell where the wall is. -for meets, there are touchpads to get accurate finishes for each of the swimmers. Can't think of anything else important.

What is swimming pool in English?

'Swimming Pool', sometimes shortened to 'Pool'.

What is measurement and label of the swimming pool?

it depends on which swimming pool

Why are swimming pool coopers used?

What are swimming pool "Coopers"

Is there such a thing as the old English swimming stroke?

Yes. It's like ordinary backstroke but both arms go at the same time not alternately and you use a breastroke-like kick. It's easy to do and quite powerful but rather antisocial in the swimming pool as it creates quite a bow-wave!

How do swimmers do a kind of flip underwater then come up facing the right way to continue swimming?

After you have done the flip you push of from the pool wall and rotate so you are on your front before you break the surface unless you are doing backstroke.

Does kids corner have a swimming pool in loughton?

No KidsCorner does not have a swimming pool.

Meters are in a swimming pool length?

in an olympic swimming pool its 50m