

Is water skiing like snow skiing?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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11y ago

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You are on skis and that's about it. I suppose some of the balance required is the same but it's really different positioning with your center of gravity and posture. As much as Surfing is like Snowboarding! Watch out for the edges!

Water skiing is harder than snow skiing. You need strong muscles to be able to stay up on water skis.

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11y ago

"Sorta... i skate and ski and the only difference, i think, is that it takes more energy to ski than skate and to ski you have to spread you legs out more (but not too much or else you'll fall)"

In response to this, i would disagree.

I have being skiing since I was 4 and skating since i was about 6, and am a much more accomplished skier. Skiing is very much different to skating in a number of ways:

1)Skiing requires a different adaptation of muscular strength

2)Skiing requires the ability to balance in a variety of conditions (groomed, off-piste, powder, moguls, slush, ice, crud etc.)

3)Skiing requires a different stance, depending on the conditions but usually a slightly bent knees, arms at a 90 degree angle with your hands out in front of you, if you choose to ski tightly (recommended for moguls) then of course you keep your skis close together, if you choose to carve (recommended for groomed slopes) then you adopt a wider ski stance with knees bent more and a higher amount of lean into the turns, using your edges much more.

Despite the technicalities of ice skating, skiing is very different and usually requires a different amount of effort and skill to become a good skier. If you wanted to become an advanced skater such as speed skating or figure skating, then there would likely be a lot more to take in to consideration.

Therefore, in answer to your question, no, ice skating is actually very different to skiing on snow.

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