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That depends on where you are, and whether you're talking about water skiing or snow skiing.

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Q: Is today a good day to go skiing?
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when is a good time to go heli skiing?

Heli skiing is done during the winter months because you need snow. Which is why it is called skiing. Exactly when, I do not know. I am not an expert on skiing.

What are the states good for skiing?

It depends on where you go. Colorado is a good one to ski in. There are a few good resorts in Pennsylvania and New York. I think that in the winter, where ever you go that is in the mountainous parts of the US would be good for skiing.

Does Cara Nicole gosselin like skiing?

Yes. Cara Gosselin loves skiing. on her very first day of skiing, Cara graduated from a baby hill and hit the slopes because she was so good. She loved it so much that when her turn came to take a trip alone, she chose to go skiing in Utah, with Jon.

Which month would be good to go to skiing?

well the best time to start to go skiing is when all the hills are open after the first 12 snow falls

Is Ireland a good skiing country?

Ireland does not get enough snow to have constant places for skiing in winter, so it is not good for skiing. There are no ski resorts in Ireland. Irish people who want to ski go to other countries to do so.

What do the people in liechtenstein do for entertainment?

they go skiing and surfing swimming and have a good time

What is a good place to go water skiing in VA?

Since I live in VA.I enjoy water skiing on Smith Mountain Lake. Hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!!

When you go water skiing does it have to be hot or cold?

You would want to go water skiing when the weather is hot.In really cold weather you can go skiing on the snow.

Why do people go water skiing?

Most people go water skiing for the fun of it.

Where to go skiing in April?

It really depends where you are. Sometimes, April brings heavy snow, and skiing is fab, yet you can ski in a place where the snow is iffy, and the skiing quality will be iffy as well. If all of the snow is melted, remember that skiing will be hard !

Where can one go to do some heli skiing?

You can do heli skiing overseas. You can go to Europe and enjoy heli skiing for a cost. You can check an agency to determine which ski resorts you are interested in and what the cost is for heli skiing.

Can you go skiing on Atlas Mountains?

you can go skiing anywhere in the world that has snow or artificial snow surfaces