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Running 1 mile is equal to swimming 500 to 640 meters at a moderate pace when it comes to burning calories. Even though both the exercises are vastly different, their calorie burning impact is very similar. Same amount of calories is burnt while swimming and running for the same amount of time.

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Q: How many meters swimming equates to a mile running as far as calories burned?
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What is the difference between running a mile and swimming a mile if you are counting calories burned?

If you are swimming at a pretty decent pace you should burn more calories than running because you are using more body muscles, like your arms, legs, back muscles, and abs.

How many calories are burned while making out?

It entirely depends on your work-out intensity. Swimming and ruining burned the most calories.

How many calories burned running for 40 minutes?

Around 450 calories

How many calories burned swimming for 35 minutes?

If someone is swimming for 35 minutes just for fun, it will burn around 300 calories. If swimming using specialized strokes, it could burn up to 500 calories.

How many calories are burned swimming for 1 hour 100pounds?

How many calories are burned when swimming depends on the person's weight and the size of the pool. For a person who weighs 150 pounds in a pool that is 25 yards in length they will burn 414 calories for an hour of doing a front crawl.

How many calories burned swimming in salt water?

You can burn as many as 100 calories per hour just swimming casually in salt water. You can burn up to 500 calories per hour if you're swimming vigorously.

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How many calories are burned running 12 laps around a high school track?

The actual number of calories burned vary depending on the speed of the run and the weight of the runner. While the number of burned calories can vary, an average number of calories burned are 200.

How many calories burned from 1 minute of running?

Less than 22

where can i get calories burned running?

Nike carries shoes that can track how far, long, and fast you have ran in addition to your calories burned. If you're looking for a cheaper route, you may consider a step counter which can (less accurately) help you determine your calories burned.

Best activity to burn calories?

the best excercise to burn calories is dance