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This depends on a few factors. A 75 kilogram or 165 pound person will burn between 628 (slow freestyle) and 864 (fast freestyle) Calories per hour of swimming, depending on how fast they swim. However, assuming it takes you 30 seconds to swim a lap of a 50 metre pool, you would do 100 laps in 60 minutes. This speed is faster than slow, but slower than fast, so you'd burn about 700 Calories per hour. Divide this by the number of laps you swim, and you answer would be 7 Calories per lap.

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13y ago
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10y ago

Someone can burn as many as 2000 calories while swimming 32 laps in a pool. This number could be higher or lower based on intensity and speed of the laps.

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14y ago

When you swim 16 laps scientists prove you burn exactly 4 claories.:)

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13y ago

This would vary depending on the intensity of the swimming, ie whether it is doing intervals or steady pace, but in general you would burn approximately 6-700 Kcl per hour.

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12y ago

It depends on how much you weigh and how long you do it for instance if I would swim for 3 hours I would burn 1/2 lb

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15y ago

Depends on the length of the lap

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You can burn anywhere betwee 300 - 950, depending on what stroke you're doing and how vigorously you're swimming.

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