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when you dive off a block, it should not be more than 2 seconds. when you dive, you must dive through your legs, like jumping off of it.

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Q: How fast do swimmers dive off the block?
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How do you dive off a starting block in swim team?

Like a pro

How much faster do you swim when you start on a starting block?

Depending on the height of the starting block and how fast you can jump off compared to how fast you can push off the wall, in almost all races it can subtract at least 1-3 seconds.

Why can't swimmers go on planes after swimming?

Swimmers certainly can go on a plane after swimming, although I suppose they'd prefer to dry off and get dressed first. Only cause for concern would be if they've gotten water in their ears, which might interfere with their ability to equalize the pressure as the plane climbs. Divers OTOH, should be real careful about flying soon after a dive. Unless they're fully recovered from the dive the pressure drop at ascent can trigger decompression sickness.

What is a backward dive?

A backward dive is a dive in which the diver faces away from the water when taking off, and lands facing backwards.

How do you turn off oceanic plus two dive computer?

you don't EVER turn off ANY dive computer.... they will turn themselves off when they have completed their calculations (ie: 24 hours to fly after last dive).

What is back dive?

A back dive is another name for a backwards dive, a dive in which the diver faces away from the water when taking off, and lands facing backwards.

How do you teach a child to competitively dive off of the starting blocks?

Dominant foot forward with toes hanging over the block a little bit. The back leg is resting on its toes on the opposite end of the block. Crouch down and you may touch the block with your hands. Lean back and look behind you through your legs. When you're going to dive launch yourself forward with your head first and outstretch your arms in streamline reaching out in front of you, then aim down a little.

What is a back dive?

when you dive into the water going forward. usually touching your toes and then diving in.

What level does mantyke learn dive in diamond?

Dive is not an HM/TM anymore so it can't learn dive, but you can get it from a different region so if you trade a Pokemon holding that move then take it off them it can learn dive.

Andrea was afraid to dive off the high board and she knew she would do a belly flop?

Andrea was afraid to dive off the high board and she knew she would do a belly flop/

Is it scary jumping off te high dive?


Why in swim meets do you dive of swim blocks?

You dive off the blocks at swim meets because it is faster. When you dive off of them you get more momentum rather than just pushing off the wall. Also it gives the crowd a chance to see all the competitors and what school and lane they represent rather than in the pool.