Swimming became a professional sport, like all other sports, when television brought enough money into it to attract sufficient sponsors to enable the top swimmers to become full time and make a living from it
Swimming became a competitive sport in the early 1800s.Now swimming is the third most watched sport in the Olympic games.
no it is considered a minor sport.
Synchronized swimming first appeared at around the turn of the 20th century, though at the time it was known as water ballet. The first recorded competition was in 1891.
swiiming became an olympic sport in 1896
Swimming has been an Olymipic sport since 1896. It has been open to Women since 1912
More TV coverage
Swimming became popular because it is an Olympic sport so people started to do it themselves because they got inspired by the Olympics.
Yes, synchronized swimming is a sport.
Is swimming a typical sport for Canada - No Does Canada compete in Swimming - Yes
her fave sport is swimming
it isn't a sport. swimming is a way to keep from drowning!
Synchronized swimming was developed as a recreational activity for exhibitions in the 1920's and 30's in Canada and the United States. Soon after it became a competitive sport