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Is swimming a typical sport for Canada - No

Does Canada compete in Swimming - Yes

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Canada has the N.H.L as it main sport.

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Q: Is swimming a Canadian sport
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Is synchronized swimming a sport?

Yes, synchronized swimming is a sport.

What is Ariana Grande's favourite sport?

her fave sport is swimming

Why swimming become a sport?

it isn't a sport. swimming is a way to keep from drowning!

Is swimming a good abdominal sport?

Swimming is a good full body exercise sport.

When was Canadian Interuniversity Sport created?

Canadian Interuniversity Sport was created in 1906.

What is the evolution of swimming?

Swimming became a competitive sport in the early 1800s.Now swimming is the third most watched sport in the Olympic games.

What sport is a Canadian sports team?

If they are Canadian and a sports team - they can be any sport they want.

Hayley Lewis is a champion in which sport?

Her sport is swimming.

What is laim sport?

laims favourite sport is swimming

Is Synchronised Swimming like normal swimming?

no, swimming is a real sport, syncronised swimming isn't

When was Canadian Interuniversity Sport football created?

Canadian Interuniversity Sport football was created in 1961.

Do you have to have a sport physical for swimming?

If it is high school swimming, then yes, you do.