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Q: Does lifting weights in a pool work as well as on land?
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Can boys start lifting weights before girls?

Yes. A lot of boys do weights before girls. Some girls don't even do weights. A lot of girls do weights before boys as well. Some boys don't do weights either.

How old do you have to be to enter a YMCA gym to get a work out?

well i'm lifting weights at twelve so eleven or twelve and up.

Will sit ups stunt your growth?

no it does not i started lifting when i was 14 and i was 5/9 and now im 24 and 6/2 and i am well fit weight lifting and situps did not stunt my growth and all of my friends that i know same for them

How do you say weight in spanish?

levantar pesas (levantar will change based on the -ar ending. For example; levanto pesas is I lift weights.)

What age do you think someone should start lifting weights?

Well it depends on the person but usually not until they are 12. It still depends on the person, most boys start when they are11 though.

Why much sweat during and after sex?

well, intercourse is like exercise. Not to sound gross. But, you are using your muscles and other parts of your body like you would as if you were lifting weights or riding a bike, etc...

Does body building require weight lifting trainers?

Although weight training does not require a trainer, you should make sure you are well aware of how to properly and safely use all equipment, and that you are lifting safe amounts of weights if with out a trainer.

How do you get spy?

well it takes a little more than just lifting weights and being strong such as running running obsticals gun work gunwork means to know how to hold dinferent types of guns

What should you do every day to get skinny?

Well you can start off by lifting weights, running or speed walking for at least a half hour. Eat 3 meals a day and eating healthy foods as snacks.

Is it safe or a good idea to take testosterone treatments for working out in order to gain energy for lifting weights because I want to get some serious muscle results?

No, just eat well and put the effort in.

What is the difference between the terms power lifting and weight lifting?

Weight training is the science of using weights (or another form of external resistance) in order to train your body to perform a certain task with better ease, efficiency, or technique. This broad category includes simple ankle weights worn while jogging, all the way up to half-ton leg presses. Weight lifting (i.e. bodybuilding) is a subset of weight training. It specifically identifies the discipline of weight training for the purpose of building larger, stronger, or more well-defined muscles. This is in contrast to weight training, which includes those things, plus weight loss, balance, flexibility, and certain athletic skills.

How do you get spying skills?

well it takes a little more than just lifting weights and being strong such as running running obsticals gun work gunwork means to know how to hold dinferent types of guns