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Yes. the water will destroy the front bearing

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Q: Can a leaking swimming pool pump seal cause a motor to burn out?
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maybe the motor is burn..... maybe the motor is burn..... maybe the motor is burn..... maybe the motor is burn.....

What causes the motor to burn rich on a 2000 Isuzu hombre?

Could be leaking injectors. Will be repaired (so I'm told) at no cost even if it's not under warranty.

If defective blower motor draws more current than a good motor because?

defective motor will not run, also cause the blower motor speed resistor to burn out and eventually blow the fuse. a motor with defective bearings will draw excessive current causing either the fuse to blow or cause the motor to overheat

Can a blocked fuel filter cause the fuel pump to burn out?

Absolutely, a clogged filter means the pump has to work harder causing the motor to overheat and eventually burn out.

In which sport do you burn the most calories running football swimming or tinnis?


What will cause a 2008 Mitsubishi endeavor to burn or use oil?

My 2008 burns a lot of oil also, not leaking. I have 166,000 miles. Won't buy another mitsubishi.

How many calories will you burn swimming a mile using front crawl?

You can burn up to 500 calories by swimming a mile using front crawl. This is at a high intensity.

How many calories burned swimming for 35 minutes?

If someone is swimming for 35 minutes just for fun, it will burn around 300 calories. If swimming using specialized strokes, it could burn up to 500 calories.

How many calories burned swimming in salt water?

You can burn as many as 100 calories per hour just swimming casually in salt water. You can burn up to 500 calories per hour if you're swimming vigorously.

If you weigh 72 pounds and you are 5'8 how many calories would you burn swimming per hour?

u burn 709 cals when u do 2 hours of swimming

If you weight 185 how many calories will you burn swimming for 1 hour?

You can burn anywhere betwee 300 - 950, depending on what stroke you're doing and how vigorously you're swimming.