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Q: One should use this part of the body when kicking the ball?
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What part of a person's body should be used when kicking the ball?

The inner side of your feet :-)

What branch of the nervous system controls your kicking of a soccer ball?

There are many that are involved... some that have nothing to do with kicking at all and for that matter are not even in your feet ... nerves are information highway that send massage from the brain to the body part that is requesting said information..

What part of brain controls kicking of ball?

The frontal lobe contains the motor strip.

One should use this part of the bodywhen kicking?


How do you win soccer?

Soccer is won by one team (there is two teams) scoring the most points. How you score points occurs by kicking or heading or hitting the ball with any part of your body besides your hands and getting the ball into the other teams net.

Is it violation if you were dribbling in basketball and touched the ball with your knee?

No. It is not a violation if the contact with any part of the foot or leg was accidental. If it was intentional then the player is guilty of kicking the ball.

What part of the foot should be used for contact on a ball when kicking the ball so it travels in the air?

Yuo wanna kick at the lower middle part of the football so it travels far and gets some air. Make sure to kick it a lil below the middle so you kick it perfectly. -ChiliC ______________________________

Which part of your body part you do not hit the ball with?

NO "part" you use a bat ...

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How can you tell from the path of the ball that there is another force acting on the ball other than the kicking force?

If the path of the ball curves or bends unexpectedly, or if it slows down or speeds up in an unusual way, these are indications that another force is acting on the ball in addition to the kicking force. This additional force could be caused by friction with the air, spin on the ball, or gravity affecting the trajectory.

Which body parts make contact with the ball in a spike in volleyball?

It should just be your palm that contacts the ball in a spike. You should contact the ball at the highest point in your swing, and then, bring your hand down, snapping the wrist as you bend your elbow.