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Q: What part of the foot allows for maximum power when kicking a soccer ball?
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Could you be a kicker in football if you play soccer?

you could, but the kicking technique of kicking a football on a stand and a soccer ball on the ground is different. in football you need to tilt your foot as far out as you can to get maximum distance, but in soccer if you kicked a hard ball as hard as you could like that you would probably break something. in soccer you need to make you foot curve around the ball for accuracy. you would have the power but not the right kicking technique.

How do you kick a knuckle ball in soccer?

To do this you have to put sll the power you have into your kick and twist your foot a little to the oppisite direction you are kicking to.

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Football, boxing, wrestling. All sports in some form rely on muscular power. Kicking soccer balls

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A shovel claw which allows you to dig, a power glove which allows you to use a maximum heat attack.

How do you kick the soccer ball with power?

What I do to is lock (tense up) the muscles in my kicking leg, for some reason this really helps keep my shots low and hard. Something interesting I read: Newbies always try to "over-kick". They try to put as much power as they can into a shot... This is wrong! For some reason using 100% power on kicking a ball will get you less power and distance than using about 80 of 75%! Try it! It really works!

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The maximum resolving power of an electron microscope is around 0.1 nanometers or 1 angstrom. This allows it to observe objects at the atomic level and provide high-resolution images of specimens.

How can you improve your left foot in football?

when you go practising playing soccer, instead kicking with your right leg kick with you left!!! do some exercises with your left leg aswell so you will get more power!!! hope this helps!!!

What sport has power in it?

soccer has power in it

What are two coaching points for instep kicking in soccer?

Well, first of all you have to hit the ball with your big toe. + If you want to get height on the ball then you have to hit underneath the ball and lean back. + If your going for power than you hit the ball with your laces.

How do you get power tokens in power soccer?

for play

What is maximum power rating?

Maximum power rating describes the maximum power at which a device can operate without reaching an excessive temperature. For example, in the case of a resistor, if its maximum power rating is exceeded, then it may burn out.

How do you get more power on football kicks?

a lot of people say do weights and squats and other work out but really it is just kicking and kicking and kicking all day ! that way you get more consistent and more powerful