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Boxing, Wrestling, Track and Field, gladiator battles, chariot races

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Q: What sports were played in ancient Palestine?
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Who played sports in ancient greece-?

Only free men who spoke Greek could compete, instead of athletes from any country.

What are the four middle eastern countries of ancient Palestine?

Israel/Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria are the four modern countries that have territory from Ancient Palestine.

What did the ancient Hebrews do for sport?

The Bible makes no mention of any sports played by the ancient Hebrews.

What is a group of people who threatened the Hebrews position in ancient Palestine?

There was no ancient Palestine. The land of Israel was only renamed "Palestine" AFTER the Jews were expelled in the year 70.The enemies of Ancient Israel were as numerous as they are today. The following people threatened the Hebrews in Ancient Israel:CanaanitesHittitesEgyptiansAssyriansBabyloniansSyrian-GreeksRomans

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How have sports changed since ancient Athens?

Many sports have changed since the ancient Athens but the sport that is still played today from the Athens is basketball. Believe it or not, a similar sport to basketball was played during the Athens.

What games were played during the ancient Greek Olympics?

Athletic and equestrian sports.

What sports did the ancient Phoenicians play?

they played touch penis