

Best Answer
  1. Chess is a board game
  2. it has total 64 squares
  3. 32 squares for both white and black
  4. the pieces r the elephant,horse,minister,king and the queen
  5. in the game the white starts first
  6. chess is played by 2 people [for those who don't know]
  7. chess was created in India
AnswerThe player who has the white pieces goes first.
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14y ago
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10y ago

White has the distinction and privilege of having the first move in chess .

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Q: Who starts in game of chess the black or white player?
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Who strats in a game of chess the black player or the white player?

The white team starts first. You might flip a coin to decide who will get white.The white side according to the rules of chess starts first ; white has the first move .

Is chess racist?

No 'cause there are black AND white counters innir? ^yes but it is a fight between white and black. ^It is, cause white always starts first

Number of paws in a chess set?

The game starts with 8 white pawns and 8 black pawns.

Who starts first in chess?

The player with the white pieces starts first in chess.

Where is the kings starting position in chess?

The king starts on e1 for white and e8 for black.

Where does the queen start in a game of chess?

The white queen starts on d1, the black queen starts opposite it on d8. Both queens start on a square the same colour as they are.

What do they call the start of a chess game?

The "opening moves" begin a chess game. The first opening move goes to the player of the white pieces, followed by a defensive move by the player of the black pieces.

How black coloumns are there in one chess board?

there are no black columns on a chess board they are all black and white there is no column that is just black. there are 32 black squares

What board is chess played on?

Chess is played on an 8x8 board with interchanging black and white spaces.

What colour square does the king in chess start on?

The King always starts on an opposite colored square. Black king is on a white square. White king is on a black square. How do you remember this for future games? Just remember that the Queen starts on her own color. Why? Because wives always get their own way.

Why in chess started with white?

because it is attack black is for diffence

What colors are there on a chess board?

Opposing colors; typically black and white