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The "opening moves" begin a Chess game. The first opening move goes to the player of the white pieces, followed by a defensive move by the player of the black pieces.

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Q: What do they call the start of a chess game?
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There are a total of 32 pieces at the start of a chess game - 16 of each colour.

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There are 4 rooks on the board at the start of a game of normal chess.

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What percentage start off with chess pieces on them?

At the start of a game, exactly half (50%) of the chess board squares are occupied by pieces and pawns.

How many rooks are on the board at the start of chess?

There are a total of four Rooks at the start of the game .

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What is a false checkmate in chess?

a false checkmate is when someone calls "checkmate" in a chess game and if you can move without getting out then it is a false checkmate. If they call it you get to go 2 times. :) enjoy your chess game!

How many empty squares are there on the board at the start of a game of chess?

32 squares are covered at the beginning of a chess game, because there are 32 pieces and pawns on the board to start the game.

How come the chess game start?

It started out as a board for military strategy. Eventually, it became a game.

How many moves can a chess player make at the beginning of a game?

At the start of a game of chess only one move is allowed - White always makes the first move .

How many knights are there at the start of a game of chess?

Four. Two for each player

How many pawns are on a chess board at the beginning of a game?

16. 8 pawns on the white side and 8 black pawns.