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The player with the white pieces starts first in Chess.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

The individual playing white moves first.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

WHite goes first. who is white? flip a coin, rock-paper-scissors, betting on a game of chess

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Either a knight or pawn can make the first move.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

It is usually the White that go first in chess, but some people just flip a coin :)

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βˆ™ 15y ago

White, always.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

White goes first

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βˆ™ 15y ago

White plays first in a game of chess.

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Related questions

Who strats in a game of chess the black player or the white player?

The white team starts first. You might flip a coin to decide who will get white.The white side according to the rules of chess starts first ; white has the first move .

Who starts in game of chess the black or white player?

chess is a board gameit has total 64 squares32 squares for both white and blackthe pieces r the elephant,horse,minister,king and the queenin the game the white starts firstchess is played by 2 people [for those who don't know]chess was created in INDIAAnswerThe player who has the white pieces goes first.

What are the basic chess rules on the website Chess Teacher?

The basic chess rules on the Chess Teacher website begin for those who already know how the chess pieces move. It is explained on here where each chess piece must be placed to start the game. A refresher on which player starts first and what 'moves' are permitted on the board can also be found on this page.

When was chess computer first used?

A chess computer is a machine that can play chess without human input. The first stand alone chess computer was the Chess Challenger which was first used in 1977.

Where was the game of chess first played?

The first game of chess was played in India.

Where is the mouth of the river chess?

Batchworth lakes

What was the first computer that could play chess called?

The first chess computer that could play chess was called Deep Blue.

When was chess first come into shops?

Chess first came to shops in the 1500's. :)

Is chess racist?

No 'cause there are black AND white counters innir? ^yes but it is a fight between white and black. ^It is, cause white always starts first

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What is a corner chess piece called?

when you say corner chess piece, do u mean the piece tht starts in the four corners of the chess board, if so then that is called a rook.

Who won the first championship of chess?

Wilhelm Steinitz of Austria was the first world chess champion.