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A King in Chess may take any other piece except another King. The reason is that in order for a king to take another king, the first king would have to move adjacent to the other king, which is an illegal move.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Other than the opposing king , any chess piece has the power and the ability to capture the opponent's king . A king may not take another king because it is in contradiction of the rules where a king may not move into check ~ see related link below .

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The king can capture any piece (except the other king) the same way other pieces capture, but since he can move only one space, this is usually a defensive move. The king cannot capture a piece that is protected by another piece or pawn, as this would place him in "check" (subject to capture himself).

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Yes, the king can take other pieces as long as doing so does not put him in check.

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Can a king take a king when there are no other pieces on the board?

No, the game is pat (stalemate). You cannot checkmate your opponent with just a king without being checkmate yourself.

How can you win at chess?

The objective of chess is to take the king to win the game(war).

How many times is a King allowed to take?

In chess, there is no limit to how many opposition pieces can be taken by one piece - although, neither sides' King can be taken.

Can you slipt a king in checkers into 2 pieces?

yes its called a german split then when those pieces re king they can only be jumped by a re king.

How does the king take another piece in chess?

If one of you opponents pieces is around the King by on space like up down left right or any diagonal you can go on top of it and take the other players piece!

Can you use some other pieces in chess to prevent check?

Yes, if the king is in check, the next move must take the king out of check. You do not necessarily have to move the king, you could take the attacking piece, or block the check by moving a piece in the way.

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Can your king kill other pieces in chess?

Yes, your king is able to capture other pieces only if they are unprotected by your opponent.

What two pieces of advice did King Henry IV give to his son as he was about to take the throne?

Listen to trusted advisors and unite the nobles in a foreign war.

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How far can a king jump in checkers?

A king can jump as far as needed to legally capture pieces.

What are Components of chess?

The components of Chess are the game board and the pieces. There are 6 different kinds of pieces: the king, the queen, the knights, the bishops, the rooks(castles), and the pawns.