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Yes, if the king is in check, the next move must take the king out of check. You do not necessarily have to move the king, you could take the attacking piece, or block the check by moving a piece in the way.

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Q: Can you use some other pieces in chess to prevent check?
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How do you play chess also where do all the pieces go?

to play chess the pieces need to be moved about and take other pieces from your opponent and and they go on a board call a chess board

Can you take chess pieces by passing over them?

no. you can only strike them out with other pieces

What pieces in chess has the power of jumping over pieces in the intervening squares to an unoccupied square within its range of movement?

Only the knight has this power/ability to jump over other chess pieces .

Where do we keep the king in the chess?

When not playing a game the kings are kept with the other chess pieces in a box so that they do not get lost.

Have Gun Will Travel why a chess knight?

The Knight is the most versatile of chess pieces being capable of movement in 8 directions as well as over other chess pieces . Paladin is also a reference to the virtues of a knight .

How many squares are there on one side of a checker board?

There are 16 chess pieces on side of a chess board. Each player receives the same number of pieces and must eliminate the other player's king to win.

Does playing chess require more pieces then required in the set?

Occasionally playing chess requires more pieces than required in the set, when pawns are promoted to other pieces when they reach the 8th rank.

Where can you play wizard chess?

You say where you want your chess piece to go (C5, etc) and it goes there. That's the only thing that's different from normal chess apart from the chess pieces whacking and breaking each other.

What chess pieces can only move on a diagonal when it wants to capture a piece from the other side?


What two pieces stand on other side of a king at the start of the chess game?

Queen and Bishop

What are the other eight chess pieces besides pawns?

Rooks, Knights, Bishops, King and Queen.

Are chess boards and checker boards the same?

for information about chess, go to on the top, you should see learn, so click on it, and you should see rules and basics.checkers: pieces moves diagonally. when you get to the other side of the board, you get your piece gets to be a king.