The person who sunk the cue ball and the eight ball off the break loses.
This depends on the specific rules of the game you play. Under BCA and APA Rules the other player gets ball-in-hand.
In pool, momentum refers to the transfer of energy between the cue ball and the object ball when they collide. When the cue ball strikes the object ball, momentum is transferred, causing the object ball to move. The more momentum the cue ball has, the more force it will impart on the object ball, resulting in a faster and more controlled shot.
I believe what you're talking about is a draw shot. It is when the player aims lower than the center of the cue ball with his cue tip. When the cue ball is struck below center, it generates a backward spin. When hit, the cue ball is spinning backward and skipping across the felt to the object ball. The cue ball strikes the object ball and because its momentum stops, the ball catches traction and rolls backwards.
The reaction force is the object ball moving away after being struck. The cue ball may or may not come away with any energy, but it usually retains a bit. There is a "science" to where to strike the cue ball with the cue to achieve "position" in the game. You already know the zillion different things that a good player can do (must do!) with the cue ball to win a rack, though. The basic answer is that the kinetic energy of the cue ball will be transferred to the object ball in an largely inelastic collision. The object ball will then carry the energy away after the momentum of the cue ball is passed on to it. This is the case for a "straight shot" on the table with no English on the cue ball.
There are two kinds of cue ball jumps, one immediately after the cue strikes the cue ball and one where the cue ball jumps after contact with another object. A legal stroke to jump a cue ball immediately must strike the cue ball above center - this drives the cue ball into the table surface from which it rebounds. Strking the cue ball below center to lift the ball intentionally is called a scoop shot and is a foul. A cue ball can be made to jump after hitting a rail by using extreme draw or follow.
A drag shot is a special type of draw shot where the cue ball will not be spinning backwards at the time of contact with the object ball. This is generally used to minimize movement of the cue ball after contact with the object ball, but where it is disadvantageous to just hit the cue ball slowly (for example, if the table is not level).
transfer of energy. If the cue ball strikes the object ball cleanly and with no spin, it will transfer all of its energy to the object ball just like that childhood toy with the swinging ball bearings in line. If the cue ball does not hit the object ball cleanly (not on center) then the energy will be divided between the cue ball and the object ball sending them off in right angles to each other (the re-direction of the cueball will be at a right angle to the direction that the object ball takes off at). If a spin (either forward, backward or sideways(english)) is present when the cue ball strikes the object ball, that energy generally is not transfered to the object ball and will affect how the cueball moves after striking the object ball.Hope this helps.
When you hit the white ball, the kinetic energy created from moving the cue, is transferred to the white ball on contact. This causes the ball to move, and depending on how fast you move the cue, will cause the white ball to move at different velocities.
You get a snooker stick and you hit the cue ball into the object ball in line with one of the pockets.
The cue ball can be a different weight or size from the others. If this is the case, the cue ball will be difficult to control for the way it acts after hitting object balls. Some tables use a laser and sensor to "read" the ball coming down the chute, and will force the cue ball to take a different route. I believe some others use a magnetic cue ball, or at least there may be a piece of metal in the cue ball and a magnet in the ball return system to somehow differentiate them.
Bridge- The arch formed by the hand that holds and guides the striking end of the cue during play. Break- The very first hit of a new game. Frozen- When a ball is touching the wall or another ball. Kiss- When two or more balls make contact. Billiard World Web Magazine: Glossary of Billiard Terms Miscue- A stroke where the cue's tip slips off the cue ball, usually resulting in a bungled shot. Object ball- The first ball that a cue ball hits. Pocketing or sinking a ball- Getting a ball into a pocket. Scratch- When the cue ballgets hit into a pocket, is hit off the table or fails to hit any balls. Shot- A shot begins when the tip of the cue touches the cue ball and ends when all balls stop rolling. There are various types of shots, but some of the basic ones include: Angle shot- A shot that requires the cue ball to drive the object ball in any other direction other than straight. Bank shot- When you hit a ball off the side of the pool table. Jump shot- When the cue ball or object ball is caused to rise off the bed of the table. Combination shot- When the cue ball hits an object ball, which then deliberately hits a second ball. This is can also be called a carom. Stroke- The movement of the cue as a shot is executed.
Under most pool game rules, if the cue ball fails to hit the object ball, or it hits and a ball then does not go in a pocket or hit a rail it is a foul. The other player will get ball in hand.