The reaction force is the object ball moving away after being struck. The cue ball may or may not come away with any energy, but it usually retains a bit. There is a "science" to where to strike the cue ball with the cue to achieve "position" in the game. You already know the zillion different things that a good player can do (must do!) with the cue ball to win a rack, though. The basic answer is that the kinetic energy of the cue ball will be transferred to the object ball in an largely inelastic collision. The object ball will then carry the energy away after the momentum of the cue ball is passed on to it. This is the case for a "straight shot" on the table with no English on the cue ball.
Newton's third law of motion explains action and reaction forces. The third law states that for every action force, there is an equal and opposite reaction force. Imagine hitting a Baseball. The bat exerts a force on the ball.
Newton's third law of motion explains action and reaction forces. The third law states that for every action force, there is an equal and opposite reaction force. Imagine hitting a baseball. The bat exerts a force on the ball.
The action force is the hammer exerting a force on the nail to drive it into the surface. The reaction force is the nail exerting an equal and opposite force back on the hammer according to Newton's Third Law of motion.
The equal action and reaction forces do not cancel each other out when one person hits a ball because they act on different objects. The force exerted by the person hitting the ball causes the ball to accelerate in the direction of the force, while the reaction force from the ball pushes back on the person, causing them to feel the impact of hitting the ball.
"action/reaction" does not mean " force". "Applying force" is an action, not the force itself. So, applying force will create a reaction, which may or may not balance the applied force.
The action and reaction forces occur at the same time.
Answer this question… If the action force is a player kicking a Soccer ball then what is the reaction force?
Reaction Force.
The force acting on an object "A" from outside is action force , and the reaction force is the force exerted by A to the outside object . Therefore, it is obvious that action force and the corresponding reaction force cannot act on one and the same body.
The force that is opposite to an action is called a reaction force. According to Newton's third law of motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
a reaction force
According to Newton's third law of motion, when an action force is applied on an object, the object will simultaneously apply a reaction force of equal magnitude but in the opposite direction on the object that exerted the action force. This means the reaction force occurs instantaneously when the action force is applied.