As soon as you hit your opponents ball it is a foul. Under most rules, this results in ball in hand. However, under other rules, knocking the 8 ball in when it is not the object ball is loss of game.
The person who sunk the cue ball and the eight ball off the break loses.
This depends on the specific rules of the game you play. Under BCA and APA Rules the other player gets ball-in-hand.
If your Last ball is potted before the black then it is a legal shot and you win. * Added - In 8 Ball, under BCA Rules, APA Rules, and most House Rules this is loss of game.
We wash dishes in the sink. He tried to sink the ball.
The ball will sink when the weight of the water inside the ball plus the weight of the ball is greater than the weight of the amount of water that would fit inside the ball.
No but I can sink my balls in your mouth!
To win the player has to sink all the balls then sink the 8 ball. If they sink the 8 ball before all the others they are disqualified. It is a lot harder than it sounds.
both a ball and a ship can sink.
In eight ball, the aim is to sink your 7 balls followed by the eight ball (black). Your balls are either the bigs or littles. In straight ball, the aim is to simply sink 8 balls of any denomination.
The force causing the ball to sink is gravity. Gravity pulls objects towards the center of the Earth, which causes the ball to accelerate downward until it reaches the bottom of the water.
battleship, you have to give numerical coordinates in order to sink opponents ships