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If you are in check, yes. If you are not, then it is a stalemate and the game is drawn.

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14y ago

If you can't move any of your Chess pieces, it is a stalemate and the game is over.

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Can you capture your own piece in chess?

No, you cannot. It is illegal to take one of your own pieces on any move.

How many of the sixteen chess pieces are you able to move on your first move?

You may move any of the eight pawns or any one of the two knights ; ten out of sixteen chessmen .

When you get your queen back in chess can you move?

Moves in chess are determined by the nature of the pieces and the spaces available for a legal move. Any chess piece can move backwards except for the pawn - and even the pawn can move backwards in a sense, if it reaches the back of the board and is promoted.

Which chess piece represents a Camel?

The Camel is not represented by any one chess piece but there are chess pieces carved from camel bone .

Where in chess does the queen move?

i assume you mean the king. and it is exactly the same but it can move backwards

What pieces can kill a king in chess?

Any piece may attack any other opponent's piece using its standard move. In addition, you can choose to attack using En Passant if you have an adjacent pawn and the opponent moves a pawn 2 spaces on its first move.

Is a bishop allowed to take two pieces at a time in chess?

No. Any chess piece can only take one of the opposing pieces at any one time. That's not to say that you can't setup a fork, where your bishop attacks two pieces at the same time, or a pin, such as when the opponent can't move the attacked piece out of the way, but the end result is that you only take one piece at a time.

What is the function of the bishop in chess?

A bishop in Chess can move diagonally in any direction as the path is not obstructed by another piece.

How do you beat tower of many betrayals in majestic chess level 8?

You put Black King on h1 and white king on f3 and do not move any other pieces.

Does a queen have to be on there color during any move?

No, in the game of Chess the Queen can move from and to any colour.

Can queens jump over things at chess?

The Queen may not move as you described because it is an illegal move - only the knight has the power to jump other chess pieces . ~ See related link below for more information as to how the Queen moves .A:In regular chess, the Queen cannot jump any pieces at all. (The only piece which can jump an intervening pawn or piece is the Knight.)*However, there are versions of chess with alternate rules, known collectively as fairy chess, in which the Queen might be granted Knight-like features, including the ability to jump over a piece rather than capturing it.*And the King, while castling, can in a sense be said to have jumped over the Rook.

In chess how many spaces can a rook move?

The rook can move 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 squares right or left or up and down the board.Not quite. A rook can never move eight squares. If the rook begins at one end of a rank or file a move of seven squares will take it to the other end.