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You may move any of the eight pawns or any one of the two knights ; ten out of sixteen chessmen .

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Q: How many of the sixteen chess pieces are you able to move on your first move?
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How do you do better in chess?

This is my strategy: First, take out the main capturing pieces (Knights, Rooks, Bishops) but be cautious of opposing pieces. Next, try and maneuver your main capturing pieces in a way that you can get your opponent's King into Check/Checkmate as soon as possible, but make sure you're able to adjust your Check/Checkmate pieces, in case your opponent figures out a way to stop your strategy. Hope This Helps! -MidKnight777

Can your king kill other pieces in chess?

Yes, your king is able to capture other pieces only if they are unprotected by your opponent.

In chess a knight can jump over opponents pieces but can it jump over more than one at a time?

The Knight technically does not 'jump' but it appears to be able to 'jump' over pieces of its own color as well as pieces of its opponent's color. The other pieces of the same color cannot jump over each other. Neither can the other pieces jump over an opponent's piece.

What three conditions are necessary to turn check to checkmate?

In chess, in order for a check to be a checkmate, there are three specific conditions: 1) The king must not be able to move out of check. 2) The attacking piece must not be capture-able. 3) No pieces must be able to block the check.

How many known board positions are there in the game of chess?

No one is going to be able to answer this question. Currently, computers are studying this, and so far, they've analyzed every possible scenario for 6 out of the 32 pieces, so, I wouldn't hold my breath. They estimate it'll be another 200 years before they "solve" chess.

In chess what is the only piece is able to jump over other pieces?

The only piece that can jump over other pieces is the knight (the horse). It might also be helpful to review the rules on castling as the king appears to jump its own rook (castle) in this move.

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How do you beat everybody in chess?

Not even the best chess players of all time were able to "beat everybody." If you want to improve your game, read up on the chess openings. Your local library should have a few such books.

Can you jump your own piece with a king in a game of checkers?

Only the knights are able to jump over another chess piece. The king can only move one square at a time.

How do you teach a child chess in sims 3?

when they are a toddler, teach them the basic logic skill by making them play with the peg toy, then when they are a child they should be able to read basic logic books. this will help them with their chess. you can also buy a chess table or they can play chess on a computer. x

What is a sentence using the word masters?

Example sentence - After many years of practicing he was able to master the game of chess.

How do you win in chess if opponent is good in making sragedy?

You have got to be able to counter their strategy.