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There are certain movies in the game of Chess that are referred to as chess openings. There is a list of 1,327 moves made by either the white or black pieces that are considered a chess opening.

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What do they call the start of a chess game?

The "opening moves" begin a chess game. The first opening move goes to the player of the white pieces, followed by a defensive move by the player of the black pieces.

Is their an opening move in chess that can guarantee victory?

No. If there was, the game would be no fun.

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After the opening and the middle game, we see the endgame, where the winning or losing (or a draw) takes place.

What chess piece is The Kings Indian?

The kings Indian is a chess opening not a chess piece

What is the first move in chess called?

The name of the first move played in a game of chess is called the "opening move". There are a total of 20 opening moves that can be played at the start of a chess game. Each pawn has a possibility of moving either one or two steps forward creating 16 possible first moves with a pawn. Both knights have two squares they can move to creating another 4 possible opening moves.

What is 10 minutes chess called?

A ten minute chess game is a blitz game of chess.

Where was the game of chess first played?

The first game of chess was played in India.

Why the chess is sports?

Believe it or not, but it is physically difficult to play game after game after game of chess.

Is chess a track and field game?

No, chess is not a track and field game.

What is the plural term for the game of chess?

Chess matches; chess boards; versions of chess.

What is the theme of Geri's game?

The theme of Geri's Game is Chess

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