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No. If there was, the game would be no fun.

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Q: Is their an opening move in chess that can guarantee victory?
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What do they call the start of a chess game?

The "opening moves" begin a chess game. The first opening move goes to the player of the white pieces, followed by a defensive move by the player of the black pieces.

What is the first move in chess called?

The name of the first move played in a game of chess is called the "opening move". There are a total of 20 opening moves that can be played at the start of a chess game. Each pawn has a possibility of moving either one or two steps forward creating 16 possible first moves with a pawn. Both knights have two squares they can move to creating another 4 possible opening moves.

What is an opening move in chess in which a piece is sacrificed an action whose intent is not immediately clear but which is made to produce an intended future advantage?

A gambit.

What is a bad move in chess called?

A bad move in chess is called a "blunder".

Can you skip in chess?

You can not skip your move in chess. You always have to move when it is your turn. If you have no legal moves in chess and it is your turn, the game is a stalemate.

What is your favorite chess opening for white and or black?

Favourite first move for white is 1. E4. Favourite response to this with black is 1.f5 (the sicilian defense).

How do you improve your positional chess?

Study the games of former chess champions that preferred positional chess to combinational chess. Develop a sound set of opening moves. The first 5 to ten moves can almost be choreographed into a standard set of moves, keeping an eye out for the other player's responding moves. Remember the ABC's of the chess opening: Activate your pieces: get the real soldiers onto the battlefield early Barricade the King: Castle early Control the center: Move the central pawns up and cover them with the knights.

Is there a rainbow move in chess?


What is the move called when you switch the queen and bishop in chess?

This is not a legal chess move in keeping with the rules of chess . You may be thinking of Castling ~ see related link below .

When was The Bishop's Move created?

The Bishop's Move, a chess move where a bishop is moved to a different square, has been a part of chess since the game's early development. It is one of the original moves in chess and has been played for centuries.

Do you get another move after castling in chess?

No. Castling counts as a move.

What is a chess turn called?

A turn in chess is known as a "Move" ~ see related link below for a list of chess terms .