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A pawn can be promoted to any piece other than King .

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Q: In chess if one of you opponents pons gets to the other side does that player get you queen?
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What happens when a king reaches at the opponents margin in chess?

the king gets the role of the queen

In chess is their a queen or a minister?

In the game of chess there is a chess piece called the Queen.

What are king queen and other soldiers in chess called?


What is the significance of queen in the chess?

Other than the King , the Queen is the most powerful chess piece upon the board at nine points and in terms of movement .

What does the shape of the queen in chess represent?

The queen

What is the maximum number of queen a player can have in a game?

The most number of queens a person can have in a game of chess is two.

Can a person possess 2 queens in a game of chess?

Yes, and more is allowed too. When a player's pawn reaches the 8th rank, it is promoted into another piece, it can be turned into a Queen. It does not matter if the player already has a Queen.

How to double the queen in chess?

To have two , or more , queens would require that you advance a pawn to the last rank where you may then promote the pawn to a queen or any other chess piece other than a king .

In which country was chess first developed?

India, where chess was played with an Elephant instead of a Rook and no Queen, other changes were signigicant from modern chess but are lost to history. The Europeans got a hold of chess and then turned the pieces int more recognizable characters, hence knight, king, queen, and rook.

How many pieces has a chess player has to control?

A chess player has direct control over 16 chessmen : 8 pawns , 2 rooks , 2 knights , 2 bishops , 1 queen and 1 king .

What the symbol x means in chess?

In algebraic notation of chess, an "x" represents a capture. For example, "Qxe6" would mean that the player's queen captured an enemy piece on e6.

What two pieces stand on other side of a king at the start of the chess game?

Queen and Bishop