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the king gets the role of the queen

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Q: What happens when a king reaches at the opponents margin in chess?
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Does a chess game end in a tie when a king makes it to the back row?

No. There is no such rule, nothing happens if a king reaches the opposite end of the board.

What happens in chess when the rook reaches the eigth level?

Nothing special happens, the rook is just on the last rank(it is the first rank if you are playing as black). Pawns are the only piece that can promote.

When are you allowed to touch your opponents piece in chess?

You are allowed to touch one of your opponent's pieces in chess when your piece takes one.

How do you prove your skills in chess?

Improving your skills at chess is an ongoing endeavour - read and study the games of the chess masters , play opponents that are stronger than you , play the game against yourself .

How does it call when one person plays chess against many oponnents?

When one person plays chess against many opponents at the same time is called a simul.

Where does the player go that reaches the other side of the chess board?

Reaching the end of the chess-board is only significant to the pawn who then can be promoted to any chess piece other than the King .

What happens when you hit a chess board?

It stays in shape. Nothing happens.

How can you find out your elo chess rating?

Go to a real tournament, they register, and assign you a rating depending on your results, and the opponents rating.

What Game is played on a black and white checkered board similar to a chess board with a board with 100 squares?

The game of Chess is played by two opponents with thirty-two chess pieces , sixteen pieces per opponent , upon a sixty-four square chess board . For the rules by which to play - look to the related link below .

Do you need a degree to be a professional chess player?

Nothing in the FIDE rules of chess require any minimum formal education level. You just have to be smart enough to beat your opponents more than they beat you.

What happens when the king gets to the end of the chess board?

Nothing happens, when the king reaches the other end of the board he reaches the other end of the board, that's it.