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By "out" I assume you mean off the table. If you hit the cue ball off the table it is a scratch, and is taken in the kitchen. If you hit a playing ball off the table, it is put in the pocket or in the center of the table depending on the rules you decide before the game (traditionally it is pocketed), and it becomes the other players turn. If you hit the 8 ball off the table, you lose.

ADD: Good answer, but slightly incomplete.

First off, I will assume you don't mean billiards, but pocket billiards, and further assume you mean the traditional game of 8 ball, or "Boston".

If the cueball leaves the table(and remains off the playing surface) it is a foul. Except on the break, the incoming player receives ball in hand. On the break, the cueball must be placed "in the kitchen".

If the cue ball leaves the table, but returns, without hitting anything (chalk, light fixture, wall, player) it is legal. The cueball may travel down the rail, spin back on the table, this is fine.

Any object ball that leaves the table is pocketed, and a foul occurs, unless it is the 8 ball, then loss of game occurs.

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