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Kings in Chess are different than kings in feudalism because in feudalism, the king has ultimate power, even though he may sometimes be poor because he gave out too many fiefs to the knights in exchange for protection. However, in chess, the king has almost no power at all; he can only move one space at a time unless the rook is Castling it. (Castling is when one rook has not moved any spaces at all yet, so the king is allowed one extra square to move.) It's also different because the Rook (or Castle) did not really 'attack' people, it just helped defend the king and serfs. (serfs are people almost like slaves, but they own a house and work on a fief for a knight. Their land can never be taken away from them.)

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13y ago

The main difference between chess and other Board Games is that chess is almost totally a game of mental ability. There is no luck or physical prowess required as in almost all other board games.

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Where does the player go that reaches the other side of the chess board?

Reaching the end of the chess-board is only significant to the pawn who then can be promoted to any chess piece other than the King .

Are chess boards and checker boards the same?

for information about chess, go to on the top, you should see learn, so click on it, and you should see rules and basics.checkers: pieces moves diagonally. when you get to the other side of the board, you get your piece gets to be a king.

How do you play chess also where do all the pieces go?

to play chess the pieces need to be moved about and take other pieces from your opponent and and they go on a board call a chess board

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Monopoly is one of the best board games of all time. Operation, Plunkett, and Mouse Traps are favourites for many people as well. Other board games, such as Othello, backgammon, checker, and chess have been favorites too.

What is knighting in chess?

There is no such think as knighting in Chess. There is 'promotion' in which the pawn, when reaching the other end of the board, is turned into any other piece.

What year was board games invented?

Games have been around forever in some form or another whether it was competing to see who could kill an animal the fastest or without a weapon, or jump rope, games in one form or another almost all beings on earth play games. dogs play games with each other cats play games with each other. so for your answer you will need to find out when life began on earth because that's when games where created.

At the start of a game of chest how many rooks are on the board?

There are 4 rooks on the board at the start of a game of normal chess.

Can mahjongg be considered as a sport?

No, it could not be considered a sport, just like chess, checkers, and a variety of other board games could never be viewed as a sport.

Can you get 32 knights on a chess board without interfering with each other?


Is chess included in olympic games?

no chess is not an olympic sport *EDIT* However there is a "Mind Olympiad" (games like Rubiks Cube and other Brain Teasers) of which chess is included. There is also a "Chess Olympiad".

How many squares are there on one side of a checker board?

There are 16 chess pieces on side of a chess board. Each player receives the same number of pieces and must eliminate the other player's king to win.

What is a fun and active indoor activity to do alone?

Most people play board games, such as chess and checkers. Other people can play video games with or without anyone, so it can work both ways.