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No , only upon the square that it lands .

"The piece that is jumped over is further not affected by the knight: as usual, a knight takes a piece of the opponent by moving to the square that contains that piece. "

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11y ago

After a fashion. But, generally no. A Knight can always move 2 squares forward and one to the side or to 2 squares to the side and one forward.

There are strategies to help contain this. About the best a talented amateur can hope for is swapping pieces. It also depends on what rules one is using. Some allow promotion of a pawn that's reached the 8th square of the far side to be promoted to any piece of either color.

If this is in effect, one could promote their pawn to the other player's color and effectively block an escape route (seldom applies in modern Chess).

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Q: Does a knight take everything in its path in chess?
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Can queens jump over things at chess?

The Queen may not move as you described because it is an illegal move - only the knight has the power to jump other chess pieces . ~ See related link below for more information as to how the Queen moves .A:In regular chess, the Queen cannot jump any pieces at all. (The only piece which can jump an intervening pawn or piece is the Knight.)*However, there are versions of chess with alternate rules, known collectively as fairy chess, in which the Queen might be granted Knight-like features, including the ability to jump over a piece rather than capturing it.*And the King, while castling, can in a sense be said to have jumped over the Rook.

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Can a bishop take 2 pieces in one move in chess?

No, each chess piece can only take one in a single movement.

How do the horses take in chess?

A Knight (Horse) must always move in an L shape in any direction. It either moves two squares sideways and then one square up or down, or two squares up or down, and then one square sideways. The knight is also the only piece allowed to "jump" over other pieces.