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No. Once it's out, it's out for the duration of the game.

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Can you win a piece back in chess?

you get one of your pawns to the other side of the board. then, you can take what ever piece you lost in the beginning. (besides a nother pawn)

When a pawn has reached the opponents back row where is the newly acquired piece placed on the board in chess?

the newly acquired piece is replaced by the pawn

How was the chess board invented?

The chess board was invented along with the game that is played on it. It's history dates back to India, as that is where chess originated. As you might imagine, the specifics are lost in history.

At the beginning of game of chess there are more of which piece on the board than any other?

Pawns. There are 16 on the board , 8 for each player. But a true chess snob would say that there is no such "piece" . Many times the word "piece" means only the ones on the back rank. Pawns are referred to as, well, just pawns, not "pieces." Never the less, even official rules refer to all of the pieces as "pieces."

Is it only the pawn in chess that can get another piece back not any other piece?


What is the chess piece on the Breaking Dawn cover?

Queen A pawn is at the back

Did George Washington have board games back in his time?

Yes they had checkers and chess

Can a chess piece be taken on the back line?

Yes there are many ways that can happen

If the king in chess gets to the other side do you get to bring back 2 pieces?

No. The only way possible is to agree with the other player before the game as to Special and Unique rules. Ex) special moves for pieces and a different setup at the beginning of the game.

How do you do Rashida's Missing Chess Piece quest on HorseIsle?

Rashida thinks one of her guests at her party took one of her chess pieces. She wants you to ask around and see if anyone has it or saw it. Vern in Tropicton tells you to ask Rebecca in Carrotton. Go and talk to Rebecca. She gives you the chess piece she took by accident. Go back to Rashida and give her the chess piece. You completed Rashida's Missing Chess Piece. You earned $15,000 and 150 quest points.

What color is the back right corner on a chess board?

When you start a chess game, the bottom right corner SHOULD be a light square. If it is dark, you're actually playing on a checker board, so you'll need to rotate the board 90 degrees. Remember the saying in chess: 'white on right, queen on colour.' A checkerboard is the opposite of a chessboard. The lower right hand square is a dark square.

What is the back piece of a bed called?

Head board