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The Chess board was invented along with the game that is played on it. It's history dates back to India, as that is where chess originated. As you might imagine, the specifics are lost in history.

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Q: How was the chess board invented?
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What Chinese dynasty invented the chess board?

The Qing Dynasty.

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What board game was invented in India?

A game that was invented in ancient India was chess. They called it Chaatur-Anga, meaning four-bodied. The 4 bodies were infantry, war elephants, cavalry, and chariots. Hope this helped :)

2 t on a chess board?

There is no 2 t on a chess board

What is half of a chess set called?

one half of a Chess board

What is a lifesize chess board made out of?

A chess board can be made out of almost anything.

How many squres on a chess board?

64 squares are on a chess board.

How many sequers are there in chess board?

(I think the question is supposed to say"sequels in a chess board")A chess board is 8x8, or 64 squares/sequels.

Is vertical chess a type of chess board used to display a match for an audience?

It could be, but at the vertical board can be used to display a chess set and to play a casual game of chess on the wall mounted chess board.

Who ninvented the chess?

Who Invented Chess? The inventer of chess is unknown but we do know that it was invented in the 6th century. When chess was invented it was known as "chaturaṅga" which means "Four Divisions"

How was chess named?

Chess is derived from "Shah" which is how Persian emperors/kings are called. The belief is that the game was invented in Persia, and it was named after the king, being the most important piece on the board.