

intercept ball in netball

Updated: 11/21/2022
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Q: Intercept ball in netball
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How do you get an interception in netball?

Basically, all you have to do, is stand on the side of them (far enough away that they will think you wont be able to intercept), but just as the ball comes, jump sideways and forwards and catch the ball!

What is marking and dodging in netball?

The advantages of dodging in Netball is that when you dodge the person marking you gets confused as to where you are so then they lose their concentration! Also if you dodge around them you are able to retrieve the ball from your team mate and also your able to intercept a pass.

Why do you need power in netball?

Netball players need power for when they're pasing the ball. If you don't have power and you throw the ball to someone it might not reach that person.

Why the ball is used in netball?

If there was no ball it would not be called netball it would be called net

Strength in netball?

You need strength in netball to keep possession of the ball and to have the strength to throw the ball far distances with force to another member of your team. If players did not have strength, it will make it easier for the opposing team to get possession of the ball and it will be more difficult to intercept a pass.

What size ball is used in netball?

a size 4 ball is used for high 5 netball (which is what younger players play) and a size 5 ball is what is used in 7s netball which is what adults play x

What did the name netball come from?

Netball is a shooting game, but the question is why is netball is called netball, because in netball your throwing the ball in the net so that's called net and the ball that your playing with is called ball so that is ball Net ball

What is the difference between netball and handball?

In handball you have goals and in netball you have a net(like in basketball). Balls are different. Netball is mostly(only) played by females.

Can you intercept the ball in madden 12 on iPod touch?

Yes you can intercept just stand in front of the ball

In netball a player cannot intercept a pass if the are how many feet away?

3 feet/

How do you draw a netball?

a netball ball is the same as a football only a bit smaller

How do you catch a ball in netball?

High jumps to retrieve the ball.