to get away from your opponent/the person marking you
go on
Peel Dodge Half move Full moon
netball is very physical it involves a lot of dodging, jumping, sprinting; it also involves alot of thinking and tatics.. hope that helps :)
by using tactics such as dodging and marking. At every opportunity the GS has at retrieving the ball, you must try to intercept it. Also when she is marking you, use dodging to get round her. Remember if your shorter you may be quicker on your feet :)
Running drills are used by netball coaches to help develop running skills in players. Sprint dodging, shuttle runs, learning to pass while moving, and developing speed and accuracy are effective drills for netball.
Ball skills, hand-eye coordination, movement skills such as running, stopping, turning and dodging and aiming skills associated with passing and shooting are all very important and will developed by playing netball.
the sort of physical movements that take place are stop and start. the jumping in areas, that are unexpected, and the dodging are the movements that centers, usually play with/do.resource: i play netball and am a center.
Double marking is when two people are marking one person. It may happen on a centre pass. The centre without the ball may go and mark GA or WA because this is the popular position to throw it too.
== == == == In Netball, you will need, running skills, catching skills, throwing skills, defending/intersecting skills, shooting skills, teamwork skills, dodging skills, footwork skills, good coordination and stopping skills. Your brain will also need to think fast.
Dodging like a bee in a forest.
im not sure you tell me SA Rules kristo t and Mario s waz here with josh l